We offer Local Law 11/98 Façade Inspection, façade repair, building envelope survey, structural engineering, historic preservation, architectural design, construction management, DOB & DOT expediting, geotechnology services, and material testing. Trust us for comprehensive solutions in building maintenance, inspection, and construction.


    • April


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    Structural Engineering and Architectural Design Firm Services: A Complete Guide

    Structural Engineering and Architectural Design Firm Services: A Complete Guide

    Welcome to the world of architectural wonders and structural marvels right in the heart of New York City! In this bustling metropolis where each building tells a story, the importance of Structural Engineering Services and preserving historic structures while ensuring structural integrity cannot be overstated. This is where building envelope surveys come into play, offering

    • April


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    Efficient Structural Engineering Services: Enhancing NYC Construction Projects

    Efficient Structural Engineering Services: Enhancing NYC Construction Projects

    Welcome to a comprehensive guide on efficient structural engineering services, tailored for individuals and businesses involved in architectural design and construction projects in New York City (NYC). In this article, we will explore the significance of efficient structural engineering, the key considerations when choosing a structural design firm, and the various architectural design and planning

    • March


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    Unlocking Excellence: NYCER Comprehensive Suite of Services

    Unlocking Excellence: NYCER Comprehensive Suite of Services

    In the ever-evolving urban landscape, the integrity and safety of buildings stand paramount. NYCER Design, a beacon of expertise in engineering and construction, offers a comprehensive suite of services tailored to meet the diverse needs of modern infrastructure. From Local Law 11/98 façade inspections to specialized material testing services, NYCER Design’s commitment to excellence resonates

    • October


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    Elevating Urban Infrastructure: NYCER’s Comprehensive Services

    Elevating Urban Infrastructure: NYCER’s Comprehensive Services

    In the dynamic urban landscape of New York City, maintaining and improving the structural integrity of buildings is of paramount importance. This requires not only expertise but also a seamless coordination of various agencies and compliance with stringent regulations. At NYCER, we take pride in offering a comprehensive suite of services for urban infrastructure that

    • September


    • 340
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    What is Structural Engineering and What do Structural Engineers Do?

    What is Structural Engineering and What do Structural Engineers Do?

    Structural engineering is a specialized field within civil engineering. It focuses on using the principles of physics, mathematics, and real-world experience to create safe and reliable designs for the essential supporting elements of human-made structures. Nowadays, it’s backed by a vast and comprehensive body of knowledge that allows us to precisely anticipate how various shapes

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