We offer Local Law 11/98 Façade Inspection, façade repair, building envelope survey, structural engineering, historic preservation, architectural design, construction management, DOB & DOT expediting, geotechnology services, and material testing. Trust us for comprehensive solutions in building maintenance, inspection, and construction.


    • February


    • 272
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    Why is facade maintenance important?

    Why is facade maintenance important?

    Preserving the façade is instrumental in maintaining building safety, appearance, and the integrity of the structure. It involves activities such as cleaning, damage control, and repairs. This article will discuss the importance of façade maintenance and why building managers or owners should maintain it. Key Takeaways Here are the key takeaways from this article: Regular

    • April


    • 439
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    Preserving the Past: A Guide to Façade Repair and Restoration Services in NYC

    Preserving the Past: A Guide to Façade Repair and Restoration Services in NYC

    In recent years, facadism—the preservation of a building’s façade while tearing down and rebuilding the interior—has grown in popularity in New York City. But preserving a building’s exterior façade repair and restoration isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s also about safety and maintaining the structural integrity of the building. LOCAL LAW 11/98 FAÇADE (FISP) INSPECTION That’s

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