We offer Local Law 11/98 Façade Inspection, façade repair, building envelope survey, structural engineering, historic preservation, architectural design, construction management, DOB & DOT expediting, geotechnology services, and material testing. Trust us for comprehensive solutions in building maintenance, inspection, and construction.


    • May


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    The Importance of Historic Preservation in Our Modern World

    The Importance of Historic Preservation in Our Modern World

    hlso, New York City is a city that is rich in history, and as a result, it is home to many historic buildings and landmarks. These buildings require specialized care and attention to preserve their historical significance and maintain their structural integrity. That’s where historic restoration services come in. In this blog, we’ll explore the

    • May


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    Challenges in Historic Preservation

    Challenges in Historic Preservation

    Author: Grace Padua; Saving historic building is challenging. The project will involve restoration and repair that requires a right approach taking into consideration the historical, cultural and architectural significance of the building. Most of the buildings that were built long time ago have rich architectural features with a unique layout and design details that cannot

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