We offer Local Law 11/98 Façade Inspection, façade repair, building envelope survey, structural engineering, historic preservation, architectural design, construction management, DOB & DOT expediting, geotechnology services, and material testing. Trust us for comprehensive solutions in building maintenance, inspection, and construction.


    • March


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    Structural Engineering and Design in NYC: Finding the Right Structural Engineering Design Services

    Structural Engineering and Design in NYC: Finding the Right Structural Engineering Design Services

    Structural engineering is an essential aspect of any construction project, whether it’s a small residential building or a massive skyscraper. In New York City, where high-rise buildings dominate the skyline, finding the right structural engineering and architectural design firm is crucial to ensuring a safe and successful project. If you’re looking for structural engineering design

    • May


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    How Will New York City Build its Sustainability?

    How Will New York City Build its Sustainability?

    Author: Yangxin Bai; Lately published on Common Edge by John Massegale that New York City is failing its citizens on the environment, and the Online NYC Climate Dashboard confirms that New York City is not doing enough to meet its climate goals, which are to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050. Climate change

    • May


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    Maintaining your Exterior: New York Architecture’s Self Care

    Maintaining your Exterior: New York Architecture’s Self Care

    Author: Joshua Rodriguez-Valenzuela; The exterior of your building is obviously the first thing that everyone sees as they’re walking in; your building should be the most hip on the block, even if it’s the oldest. While New York City is heavily fashion-oriented, all of this TLC is given to the interior, leaving the exterior unattended.

    • May


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    Challenges in Historic Preservation

    Challenges in Historic Preservation

    Author: Grace Padua; Saving historic building is challenging. The project will involve restoration and repair that requires a right approach taking into consideration the historical, cultural and architectural significance of the building. Most of the buildings that were built long time ago have rich architectural features with a unique layout and design details that cannot

    • May


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    NYC Building Owners’ Duty

    NYC Building Owners’ Duty

    Author: Grace Padua Most buildings in New York City needs repair as buildings deteriorate over time. Building owners are responsible for maintaining their own property for everyone’s safety and to stay away from fines and violations. According to New York City Government, falling debris accidents pose serious threat to the safety of pedestrians besides being

    • January


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    Tips for Decorating Your Bedroom on a Budget

    Tips for Decorating Your Bedroom on a Budget

    Author: Joshua Rodriguez-Valenzuela Your bedroom is arguably the most important room in the house. This is the place where you go each night to rest your head and restore your energy. It’s where you get ready for the day that lies ahead. Knowing this, you probably want to make sure that your bedroom is decorated

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