We offer Local Law 11/98 Façade Inspection, façade repair, building envelope survey, structural engineering, historic preservation, architectural design, construction management, DOB & DOT expediting, geotechnology services, and material testing. Trust us for comprehensive solutions in building maintenance, inspection, and construction.


    • November


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    Efficient Strategies for Managing Construction Workers: 9 Proven Best Practices

    Efficient Strategies for Managing Construction Workers: 9 Proven Best Practices

    Managing a construction team is a multifaceted task that demands a blend of effective communication, organizational prowess, and adept leadership. By employing the following nine best practices and proven strategies for effective construction worker management, you can streamline operations and foster a more productive and harmonious work environment for your construction crew. Clear Communication is

    • October


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    Preserving the Past: Façade Repair and Historic Preservation Services

    Preserving the Past: Façade Repair and Historic Preservation Services

    Preserving the rich tapestry of history is a responsibility we all share. In the realm of architecture, this responsibility manifests in the careful restoration and repair of historic facades. In this article, we delve into the crucial process of façade repair and the significance of historic preservation services in safeguarding our architectural heritage. Understanding Façade

    • October


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    Elevating Urban Infrastructure: NYCER’s Comprehensive Services

    Elevating Urban Infrastructure: NYCER’s Comprehensive Services

    In the dynamic urban landscape of New York City, maintaining and improving the structural integrity of buildings is of paramount importance. This requires not only expertise but also a seamless coordination of various agencies and compliance with stringent regulations. At NYCER, we take pride in offering a comprehensive suite of services for urban infrastructure that

    • October


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    Why Do You Need A NYC Permit Expediter?

    Why Do You Need A NYC Permit Expediter?

    Navigating the Department of Buildings (DOB) and Department of Transportation (DOT) processes in New York City can be a complex and time-consuming task. Whether you’re a homeowner, a contractor, or a business owner, obtaining the necessary permits and approvals is crucial for any construction or renovation project. This is where a NYC Permit Expediter can

    • September


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    Taking care of your building’s facade is crucial for proper external maintenance. When you invest in professional facade repair and cleaning, you not only address existing damage but also safeguard against potential future issues. The appearance of your building’s facade significantly impacts its overall visual appeal. A modern, well-kept exterior creates a positive initial impression,

    • September


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    What is Structural Engineering and What do Structural Engineers Do?

    What is Structural Engineering and What do Structural Engineers Do?

    Structural engineering is a specialized field within civil engineering. It focuses on using the principles of physics, mathematics, and real-world experience to create safe and reliable designs for the essential supporting elements of human-made structures. Nowadays, it’s backed by a vast and comprehensive body of knowledge that allows us to precisely anticipate how various shapes

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